How to have your say

You have an opportunity to tell us what you think about the proposals to change the current IVL settings by providing feedback on the matters raised in this discussion document. You are welcome to make submissions on some, or all, of the discussion questions set out in this document and/or to raise any other relevant points.

How to comment on this discussion document

You can tell us what you think of the proposals in this discussion document. The deadline for providing your feedback is 5pm Tuesday, 11 June 2024.

Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered. Extensions to this deadline will be granted in exceptional circumstances only. If you think you need an extension, please contact us at the email address below as soon as possible to discuss whether an extension will be granted.

Your submission can be completed using the survey on our website, or you can submit a response in the form of a short letter or document via email. Where possible, please provide relevant facts, figures, data, examples and documents to support your views.

You can have your say by:

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
15 Stout Street
PO Box 1473, Wellington 6140

Attention: International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy submissions

Where possible, we appreciate receiving survey submissions. If you are emailing us an attachment, we prefer Microsoft Word or searchable PDF formats.

MBIE will publish a summary of submissions

MBIE will analyse the submissions we receive and publish a summary of them on this website.

Submissions may be subject to release under the New Zealand Official Information Act 1982 and requests under the Privacy Act 2020.

Official Information

Submissions may be requested under the Official Information Act 1982. If you have any objection to the release of any information in your submission, please set it out clearly in your submission.

Please clearly indicate which parts you consider should be withheld, together with the reasons for withholding the information and the grounds under the Official Information Act 1982 you believe apply. We will take such objections into account and will endeavour to consult with submitters when responding to requests under the Official Information Act 1982.

Personal information

The Privacy Act 2020 governs how we manage personal information (e.g., collection, use, holding, disclosure, etc.). Any personal information you supply to us in the process of making a submission for this consultation will only be used for the purpose of assisting in the development of policy advice in relation to this review, to attribute submissions or for contacting you about your submission.  We may also use personal information you supply in the course of making a submission for other reasons permitted under the Privacy Act 2020 (e.g. with your consent, for a directly related purpose, or where the law permits or requires it). Please clearly indicate in the cover letter or email accompanying your submission if you do not wish for your name, or any other personal information, to be disclosed in any summary of submissions or external disclosures. You have rights of access to and correction of your personal information that you provided in your submission. If you included the personal information of another individual in your submission, they also have the right to access and/or correct their own information provided in the submission.

Other information

If there is other information that you would like to submit to MBIE for consideration in this consultation but do not want it publicly disclosed, please do clearly set that out in your submission for MBIE to consider. 

What happens next?

MBIE will analyse all submissions received and then report back to the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Conservation and the Minister for Tourism and Hospitality on the feedback, with recommendations for their consideration. Your submission will help to inform policy decisions on the proposed amount change to the IVL. 

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